Friday, August 24, 2012

I just met you; and this is crazy

Right, so before I recap the tales of days past in a whimsical yet informative manner; I think you should hear about my morning. Yesterday, today and tomorrow - yes I know the flower- I have and will be opening the Lunar Cafe, and helping out while the manager spends some quality time with her son. Yesterday went smoothly. This morning, not so smooth. I have to open the shop at 7:30 am. "No problem", says I. Got in my car at 7:15am did I. More than enough time to slowly drive to work had I. Did car start? No.

I know the reason. I had left the car on, but not running yesterday while I sat and read, thinking it was easier to keep track of the time with the little clock on the dashboard. Being the genius that I am, I did not realise that if you do so for more than an hour and a half; the battery will go flat. Thankfully, yesterday after a few push-starts throughout the day, I drove the car around a bit and went home. After parking I switched it back on again to make sure that the next morning it would start. But at that time the engine was nice and warm; this morning it was freezing. With my breath hanging in the air the car made a valiant attempt at starting, then said, "Stuff it".

So there I was; ten minutes to get to work, off the beaten track and no one in sight to give me a hand. I tried to call my friend but she is ill and I am not surprised that she did not pick up the phone. My only option was to get to the tar road and try to thumb a lift into town. This meant running up a hill; to which my lungs responded in kind. They burnt back at me, a reminder of years of smoking that seems to have counteracted the years of cross-country. My body tried, but it was weak due to the disuse and neglect I have shown it. My body remembered all the abuse it has had to suffer at my hand, and that was its moment of reckoning.

"You need me now, don't you?" it spat at me as I tried to use it to fulfill my obligations. The top of the hill seemed like a faraway dream. Luckily I got to the tar road at 7:30, but at that point I was wheezing like a squeaky clown after a drive-by. After the first car that drove past ignored my attempt to hitch a ride, and the others I tried to chase down were unsuccessful, I entered the bargaining phase of grief. So I looked out into the forests and hills on this beautiful Friday morning and asked any imaginary entity for help. I even offered to give up some of my vices, and take better care of my body. Five minutes later, just as the remnants of my strength was coming to an end, a bakkie pulled over. Sure I had to sit on top of tools and boxes in the back, but at least the road was rolling past me at a more productive pace. Amidst apologies I arrived fifteen minutes late, with a burning chest and a stack of nerves that were worse for wear. At least I made it to work.

Getting home, now that's going to interesting.


  1. Of what, my car parked outside,not starting. But i will add some pics to this post to make you happy.
