Monday, August 6, 2012

Last Sunset

So this is the last sunset in Port Elizabeth that I shall be seeing for a long time. Well, actually the photograph was taken at Sundays River near Colchester; but I feel it retains a degree of symbolic weight. Tomorrow I start my journey -- after I watch the new Batman film, of course. Last Friday I said goodbye to my friends at my home away from home, Pool City Walmer. I know I have mentioned this before but I feel it warrants re-stating -- the support I have recieved from my friends and family has been astounding. Their excitement has helped me negotiate the tides of butterflies that have a nasty (albeit metaphorically pretty) way of stifling one’s energy. 

I will miss you guys a lot. No really; I will. I mean, if you are reading this, then I will. If any of you find me along the road I will get you a beer, even if I need to pay “The Iron Price”.  

Today I have double- and triple-checked my supplies to make sure that I have not missed anything which I may need during my trip.

Let’s see:
·        Bed roll + Sleeping Bag + Pillow + Extra Blanket (Dude it's freezing these days)
·        Kiddie Tent (Don’t judge me, I am alone and it has no pegs; it actually rocks)
·        Clothes (Do you really want to know what I am wearing? Well, do you?)
·        Rope (you always need rope)
·        Car Stuff (Ask your man, he knows)
·        Food Stuff (Ask you woman, she knows)
·        Leatherman + Really Big Sharp Knife
·        Medical Supplies
·        Foldout Table + Chair
·        Stationary
·        Toiletries
·        Flashlights
·        Camera
·        Gas Bottle and a thing that makes flames come out and you cook on it
·        . . . and any charger cables I could possibly need.
I did decide to leave the one week during which there are more weather warnings than even the most pessimistic fatalist can be comfortable with. Oh well. I will just have to find out what keeps me warmer: a room and bed; or a tent and a bottle of vodka.


  1. Connor: "Do ya know what we need, man? Some rope." Murphy: "Absolutely. What are you, insane?" Connor: "No I ain't. Charlie Bronson's always got rope." Murphy: "What?" Connor: "Yeah. He's got a lot of rope strapped around him in the movies, and they always end up using it." Murphy: "You've lost it, haven't ya?" Connor: "No, I'm serious." Murphy: "That's stupid. Name one thing you'd need a rope for." Connor: "You don't fuckin' know what you're gonna need it for. They just always need it."

  2. That was exactly what i was thinking. The logic has not failed me once. If you have rope, duck-tape, Zip-ties and a glue gun you can fix ANYTHING, and if you add a swiss army knife and some string, you can make anything
