Thursday, August 16, 2012

Storms River Mouth

I took a well-advised turn off to the Storms River Mouth. I was blessed with wonderful weather, despite the lingering cold. I say 'blessed', for I was in possibly the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life. Images cannot do justice to scale of it. The high, rising cliffs that taper down into the wave shaped rocks; specked with the colour of rust and highlights by the bleaching sun. They looked as they they came from a Science Fiction novel. The occasional gap in the canopy gave subtle window into the shaded tapestry they concealed.

I was planning to hike up to the waterfall, but it was a dangerous path, made more so my the recent rains. It would have been foolish to attempt it alone. For another day I suppose. Before I realised the folly of my desire I stopped at the Tsitsikamma Restaurant. Normally I would not indulge in a restaurant meal, but it was too well situated for me not to. Some places can claim to have a great view; and I do not doubt that they do, but the view there clearly blows them out of the water. I could't not eat there. The prices were not even that bad. Make sure your camera batteries are charged when you get here.

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