Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Bush Pub

Now just before you get to Knysna (as you head to CT) on your left hand side, you will see a sign that says "Bush Pub". Now I know I have said this before, but this time I mean it (as well) but you must stop here. The sign boasts a friendly environment, and there is no need for a caveat, as it provides just that. From the moment I walked it, I felt at home. Stories flow like pap-sak at a Bergie's wedding. Oh, there are politics; but always with the type of familiarity that reminds me of a sibling's quarrel. As I have mentioned before, a bar is made by the people who frequent it, and Bush Pub has real gems. If you sit there for two beers you're bound to learn something or just get roped into a conversation, and soon you realise you are conversing with the kind of familiarity that come surprisingly naturally.

I discovered (though not through consumption) a new drink: the TnT; tequila and top-shelf (brandy and coke). Obviously not in the same glass, mind you. I also learned about the bartender's heritage. So let me tell you the story of the O'Hagins:
They were land pirates. In other words, they would put lanterns on the horns of cattle so that passing ships would think they see a village and sail towards it, only to get smashed against the rocky shoreline. After that the pillaging would ensue. They came to South Africa to escape being hung. Epic.

The Bush Pub easily sits in my top 3 bars to visit. It's small and intimate and is by no means a place to try and badge. They even have a membership, which entitles you to cheaper drinks and rewards you with a useful key chain. It guarantees loyalty. So to all you bar owners: R300 per annum membership; make it happen.


  1. pics or it did't happen!

  2. I know, I have pics, but my camera uses an SD card, and my Tablet only takes a Mirco SD, so i have to get my friend to put it in her netbook and buetooth them too me, but she has been uber busy the last week. I will post pics real soon, this also applies to the Radical Raptors Post
