Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wolf Sanctuary 08-08-2012

I came across the entrance to the Wolf Sanctuary and had to stop. There are two entrances, but the one on the R102 required walking down a path that led under the N2 and through a pile of bones. Even if you get to the place via the N2 I would sugest just walking down the path.

The entrance was R50, but worth it. For the first half an hour the rain come down heavily, but that did not seem to bother the wolves in their waterproof coats. The wolves which reside there are the result of people bringing them into the country to raise them as pets. Yeah, that's a good idea. I mean, sure they are cute when they are cubs; but a wild animal is just that -- wild.  At least there are people and places like this who can take care of them. They need our support. Unfortunately they cannot provide them with the massive areas they would like to, but at least they are fed and taken care of. They neuter all their males to make sure that no more are bred, and besides, this is not their natural climate. That explains why in the southern hemisphere they shed twice a year instead of once. Its their coats that give them their large appearance.

The woman working there told me something very interesting; so interesting I thought I would share it with you:
Wolf packs are split up into 3 types of social groups; Alpha, Beta and Omega. Yes, like in the movie but not exactly. The Alpha wolves are a mated pair that lead the hunt, control the pack and are the only couple that are allowed to have cubs. So wolves are not matriarchal or patriarchal. Instead they lead as a couple. Now because wolves mate for life, if either the male or female Alpha gets usurped; the couple stands down and the new Alpha couple takes their place. Rather romantic wouldn't you say.

The Beta wolves are your general citizens. But the poor old Omegas, they are the punching bags of the pack. They have no social standing and if any of the other pack members are having a bad day, they take it out on the Omegas.  How ... human. The group is made harmonious by having a group that bears the brunt of the pack's frustration. Someone has to be at the bottom I suppose.

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