Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Heath

As you get nearer to Knysna (going to CT) or just as you are leaving it (running away from CT), on the N2 you pass a place with weird things on the lawn -- a place called the Heath. Now you will need to pull over. I am not asking nicely; I am telling you to. Just try to fight against the sub-hypnotic-pretextual-suggestions in this post, I dare you. But all poorly-executed attempts at humour aside, this is a great place to stop off; especially if you have kids. There are enough things for them to climb on, crawl under, and space to run their little batteries flat so they don't bounce for the rest of your trip to the point that you overdose on Grandpa's (or was that just me).

They have a quaint little coffee-shop to recharge your own batteries (you can't drink your kid's energy because its unethical, and I know I always mess it all over my shirt). They even sell amazing wood products and special cheeses. If your soul needs a bit of a spit and polish, you can always walk through the ... Lavender Labyrinth. I am as much a fan of alliteration as any man, and applaud its many uses; but seriously guys. There are clear gaps in the labyrinth where people got fed up and just walked out. Now I am quite sure that taking a few minutes away from everything, walking in the same repetitive motion; and the subsequent auto-hypnotic effect that kicks in (like when you drive a road you know very well) can be quite soothing. I just don't think it needs cosmic flows and moon cycles of the introverted lilies to explain itself (excuse me if the imagery seems a bit suspect). Any menial task can be described to the point of divinity; even walking around in circles it would seem.

But the best bit of all is still to come. Radical Raptors. In fact, I think it deserves it own post.

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