Monday, August 27, 2012

Things I Have Learnt

I thought I would take a moment to reflect on what I have done this far, and most importantly, what I have done wrong.

I am the first to admit that, aside for the physical essentials, I ran into this journey a bit blind. I did not do a single search on the Garden Route, I did not consult any tourism places. I just cruised down the N2 on a rainy day and let my fancy dictate the path. It has advantages; I was not bound my a schedule, I had the freedom to explore at the whim of my interest, and I felt free. Looking back I realise I could have felt all of that even if I had just done a little bit more research into the route I was taking. I shudder to think about all the amazing places I have passed by simply because I did not take the time to find out more. I am already resolute in a return journey to fill the gaps.

I realised the folly of my ways when I went to the Knysna Information Centre. They were friendly, helpful and stated that they do not appreciate things, they .... apprec-love things. I know, just go with it. It was said with a smile and the ethos behind it is a sound community project; besides, I can appreci-love a good pun every now and then. There I got maps, and guides and information about what to see and where to see it that I would not have gotten otherwise. I only wish I had gone earlier, and not just before I leave. Upon reflection I have wasted a lot of time here, but I have been grateful for every moment .

I have also learnt that I am a person of habit. I rather quickly slipped into a routine here in Knysna. I found friends; a favourite coffee shop and bar. Soon I was doing the same kind of things as I did while in Port Elizabeth. When faced with a chance to slide back into a familiar mould, it is rather disconcerting how easily we do just so.

In a trip like this, the draw to the familiar is strong; even if the familiar was why you left. The challenge is to notice it, not in your failure to live up to the exalted ideal of your endeavour, but simply you being you. Remember, a trip by yourself is for yourself. If you want to sit in bed for a week and read Stephen King and feel you can afford to do so; then I don't see why you shouldn't. However, there is a thin line between leisure and atrophy. Try to see something new every day. That helped me kick start myself.

Yet, my funds are draining and the road is calling my name. There are things to see, places to be, and  although I have found a fondness for Kynsna that will always make this place feel like a second home, I shall be leaving soon. Not until I see some more beautiful things though.


  1. great... some useful insight to be remembered going forward in this journey, enjoy, I am really enjoying reading your blog, wishing you a safe journey and many great experiences to share with the bound by home bodies

  2. Thank you for that, you have officially made my day. I am glad that you are enjoying it. You keep reading, I will keep writing

  3. Oh, I had to link to SK; because I love him <3 Just thought I'd point that out even though I know you noticed <3 <3 <3
