Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Few Steps

Due to a busy morning trying to get the last of the essentials, I only left at around one o'clock in the afternoon. The weather was fierce with thick sharp blanket of rain falling from dark that hung malevolently overhead. They covered the hills that slowly rose outside the bay area. Passing the large trucks was a nerve-wrecking gamble. Their tyres threw water in front of my field of vision like a deep mist; or a wall of falling water. However, the rain does accentuate the rich greens.

I chose to go off the N2 and take the R102; the Van Stadens Pass. I had no clue where it would lead me. I also stopped by the Van Stadens Flower Reserve. There were two trails, each 4 km, but the rain was a bit too heavy for me to consider it. Another day perhaps.

I decided to give J-Bay a skip. I am certain that it is a lovely place, but its a little too close to home and I could not give up the opportunity to put some tar between me and Port Elizabeth.

On the way I turned down the R62 to Karedow then left into a road that said it went to Rheboksfontein. I ended up at the Churchhill Dam. It is a water treatment plant, but it is exceedingly picturesque. It sits between rolling green slopes and leads into a thin river. The geometry of the entire place was surprising. Even the quaint white houses that lead to it, with their expansive gardens, were surprisingly pretty.

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