Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lunar Cafe

Sorry again for the break in chronological consistency, which by now may seem some what facile. The thing is, I spent the last few days molesting the free Wi-Fi at Lunar Cafe and thought it only fitting that I do some guilt-inspired plugging as well as touch on something I consider rather important.

After much meditation, introspection and wasted afternoons I have come to understand what makes a good coffee shop. Firstly; and this will get me some sideways glances, it needs a smoking section. Even it is just some tables outside. Coffee and cigarettes are so inextricably connected there is even a movie about it (starring Iggy Pop and Tom Waits ). Secondly, it needs free Wi-Fi. Chill out all you hipsters, this is because almost all mobile devices worth their salt can use wireless connections, and it turns a coffee shop into a second office. Our dependency for an Internet connection has drug-pushers worldwide taking furious notes. And lastly, it needs coffee. But I mean good coffee. The type of coffee that has every cup making you awkwardly asking a stranger to watch your stuff as you contemplate your life in a newly-found oval ceramic god. That's good coffee.

Lunar Cafe has all of the above. They even have a great loyalty card that gives you a free cup of coffee after every nine you have. For most avid coffee drinkers that won't take too long. You can find them at the Knysna Mall, shop Z2-09 (whatever that means). They also have really cool postcards. If any of you want me to send you one, with a nice little handwritten message, just leave your addresss in the comment section below.


  1. Dude this is cool, but you have to proofread your stuff more carefully. I really do like the style though. It's quite a chilled read.

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I do have a proofreader to edit my posts when she can, so you will notice that they do get touched-up a few hours after posting.
