Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pretty Costs

There is one thing that I did not take into consideration when I started this trip, the Capitalism of Aesthetics.

People like looking at pretty things. As a strikingly shallow man I understand this Principal all too well. People like pretty things so much that they are all too happy to pay money to look at it. You may even say that is one of the reasons people work to make so much money. That, too, is understandable. The dissemination of images in our media-driven culture has shown us how many pretty things there are in this world. Though, herein lies the rub. No image, no matter how well taken or composed, truly captures the magnitude of natural beauty. Only in its presence can we grasp how in ages past they were considered gods. Rivers, trees, mountains, oceans ... they feel alive. Not just on a biological level. It may just be harking back to an infantile anthropomorphism of the world; I am not sure.

One thing I do know though, is that if we wish to experience these wonders today, someone needs to get paid.  Most people with a lot of money aren't exactly stupid. Sure they be nearsighted at times; even egotistically selfish and brutal, but at least smart enough to amass great wealth. So when they come across a place they know people would lose a lesser appendage to see, it's not surprising that their eyes would tint over with the proverbial dollar signs.

But I will admit that is not the whole story. Because we live in a financially driven world, the maintenance and protection of our natural wonders do cost money. From advertising to the hiring of staff to protect it from those who would harm it; it all costs money. And in that case, I understand why it is necessary -- although a bit unfortunate -- that we have to carry cash with us on road trips if we wish to bask in the glory of mother nature. Admittedly this is not the case everywhere. I am also a big supporter of spending money to visit animal rehabilitation centres, and I have been to a few thus far. Not only do you learn a lot, get to experience things one could never imagine in a suburban lifestyle; but you are also supporting a noble cause.

So keep the odd note in your wallet, lest you have to backtrack to find an ATM, or miss out on something splendid.


  1. couldnt agree more.. sometims you have to pay so see... for if you did not... there might be nothing left to see..thus is the greed of man

  2. And then the new lord of comerce said, "and all the world shall be your, for only a life-time of easy monthy installments"

    But its just sad that we got to the piont where we cannot live with or in nature, but keep nature behind fences and ensure its safty
