Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Marilyn's Diner

I stopped off at the Storms River Village; and lo and behold, there was a bright pink, 50's style diner called Marilyn's; home of the Elvis Festival. I did not even know we had one in this country. Why has no one told me about this? It's an outrage. All these years of ironically mimicking the Twist from Pulp Fiction could have been put to good use. Looking back, I really should have asked them when it was. No matter; I will definitely stop there again and ask them, and I will tell all of you; so together we can go there and indulge in guilt free irony -- with half the calories.

I know what you are all wondering; does it have vintage fifties cars, jukeboxes and Elvis serenading you from the speakers? I am pleased to inform you that yes, it does. Even the menu is an homage to iconic American style dishes, and the food is good. For the first time I tried french toast (I could not resist the subtle irony in that, now could I) with syrup and -- wait for it -- bacon. I have heard the prophets say that all things are made better with bacon. In this instance they are most correct.

This is definitely a place to stop if you are driving past Storms River. Even if you aren't hungry, or are some kind of Nazi who does not enjoy massive milkshakes; then at least stop and take a look. It's not more than a minute's detour, and well worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. yes yes yes a thousand times yes. I need to go there soon! they need better marketing. A nice big sign next to the highway "Eat like the king"
