Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Zebra Crossing

There are some places in Hermanus that are iconic; many historic buildings that stand proud testament to a rich coastal lineage that reflects our nation's tenacity and will to persevere. Most of them now are either revamped shopping malls, luxury accommodation or some or other débutante paraphernalia. So let's look a littler nearer on the time-line shall we?

Zebra Crossing feels to me like one of the cornerstones of the Hermanus CBD; probably because it is on a corner. It is strikingly familiar, but as any persistent rashes will inform you, familiar does not guarantee good. However this place has as much common with a rash as a thistle has with the Hadron Collider. This is easily on my top three places to have a beer in Hermanus. I would say it's the best, but then they would be honour-bound to give me free beer and that's always dangerous.

I have regularly met interesting and open people there. Why would that be? Well, my theory is, the music. Of all the places I have ever had a drink, this establishment has the finest playlist. This often separates the wheat from the douche-bags. My supporting hypothesis is the staff: You are greeted with a warm smile and a sincere gesture of friendship (well I am anyway, if you didn't then you might just have needed a shower). When you consider the research done by Location and Menu, it makes sense why they have been around for so long. Its right in the middle of town and if you wonder from one shop to the next you are almost certain to walk past it. They also have great food. Years ago they were the standard I measured all bangers and mash against. I went there last week, and they have only improved. The size of their bangers would make a lesser man blush. Most of the time you pile on the mash and vegetables onto a tiny slices of banger just so you can have a bit of meat with each mouthful. This time the mash was lucky to get a role as a back-up flavour. It was incredible. In fact, I am going there again today, even though I can't really afford to. Its not that their food is expensive; it's just that I am a bit broke right now and the petrol price is eyeing me like the new kid on the cell block. Things could get hairy.

I love Zebra Crossing. If you are ever in town and after buying a whole bunch of useless trinkets for family members back home you consider going to the Wimpy to rest your weary wallet; stop. Then turn around and go to Zebra Crossing. If not, Gordon Ramsay will insult your children and throw a Michelin star at your throat. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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