Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Oom Stiens

Last week I was politely dragged on a bit of an adventure. Wait -- that makes it sound a bit too epic. I went with someone I had just met to Stanford. Yes, that's more of a reasonable explanation. While there I was shown some of the local colour. Again I think that may be a bit misleading. It gives the impression of something artistic or even culturally relevant. In fact we simply went to the local pub.

Now I have been one to find the curiously quaint to the happy little hovels, so it makes sense I tell you where to the locals wet their whiskers in dear old Stanford. Now I would tell you where Oom Stiens is; but I was not driving, and as a result I was not paying any attention at all to the road. Sorry.

Oom Stiens has been open for one and a half years. Its not a franchise, and tries to cater for those who want to sit down and have a hearty feast with friends and family, as well as those that just got paid who need to drown the torrents of sorrow that lap at their hearts. Of course the marketing term for that is a Restro-Bar, but I prefer my description.

The décor is actually quite nice, and they also have a spacious garden area, not to mention a great fireplace. The also tell me they source only the freshest fish, which with Hermanus only a few kilometres down the road should not be too hard. 

I was there on a quiet night so I can't really give you an in depth analysis of the clientèle but at first glance they seem friendly -- or they were smiling at the girl sitting next to me.

At least now if you are in Stanford and you don't know what to do, at least you know of a place to drink that worry away.

Yeah, I know, Not the best photo. 
Oh my, a garden area, mom, come quick you have to see this!
Trust me, if I had a flash, it would look a lot more inviting 


  1. Thank you for the kind words about our pub. We are situated in the main road, Queen Victoria street. You should come and visit us on a Friday evening or on a Staurday when the rugby is on, you will meet all the local suspects. Please come and visit us again and have one of the best burgers in town and a cold beer on the house. Regards Daleen

  2. Yep, without this place, Stanford would be a bit dead at night.
