Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Small Towns, Drugs and Trance

Try as I might, I cannot get into trance. I am too invested in my Metal, Rock, Punk, Blues, and other genres that come with instruments and lyrics. That is not to say that there is not good electronic music being made; for example Crystal Castles and Skrillex – even the local group GNL. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I do not do drugs. In my experience, those two go hand in hand. Hell, unity through ecstasy dates back to the Thatcher's England.

So it is no surprise that small towns, with little to offer in the way of entertainment (and especially towns with a strong tourist appeal) have a very prevalent drug culture. It’s actually rather difficult to find a youngster in such a place that does not take some form of drug. This could range from a casual joint to the regular coke-and-speed user. It’s not only apparent in the youth but permeates through the generations via learnt behaviour  perhaps. I spoke to a youth who is considered stuck-up or is blatantly ignored by her peers because she does not do drugs. When I was growing up it was a lot easier not to do drugs. If you didn't, it just meant that no one was able to share their precious stash with you.

I have spent some time in these towns listening to the stories that float around; stories of abuse, violence, promiscuity, financial strife; even rape and prostitution. I don't know which came first; the drugs or the hard lives. Were the substances a way to take the edge of life's maladies or did the habit lead them down the darker alleyways? Though despite all the troubles that accompany the lifestyle, there still hangs the probability of a great night and a better high. Throw addiction into the mix and the story almost writes itself. It involves youth, inhibitions, decadence, and the kind of experiences that seem exclusive to that world. For those on the outside, missing out on the kicks, there is a type of appeal. Maybe the sex is easier to come by; the acceptance faster; a new tribe to belong to and a great time to be had. Besides; who needs a personality when you have 5 grams.

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