Friday, October 12, 2012

Last Friday

Seeing as it is Friday, I thought I would tell you how my last Friday went. Jax just had some renovations done and a birthday party had been thrown there the day before. So instead of wasting the decorations they had their own re-birthday party to celebrate the new look. Well, it had the kind of turnout that would scar a ten-year-old child. If there were five people in the place it was a lot. After a beer, and a lot of writing at the bar I thought I would head down to Barnies and spend my last thirty rand. Besides, I felt like a calm and quite night.

When I got there I met up with a very friendly crowd. They saw me writing and inquired as to what I was doing; the kind of reaction I have gotten used to over the last few months. They wanted me to write a story about them, and I was open to the idea. From the names I got they seemed to be a family, probably because they all had the surname Viljoen. There was an Anton, a Judy, a Lee-Ann, and others. Now I would love to tell you what their story is; really, but they greeted me with three small quantities of different-coloured and unnamed liquids. I did not want to reject such a cordial offer, as I though it would offend their native customs. Alas, from that point onwards I cannot hope to tell you what transpired. Thankfully I did not have to drive home.

From now on I refuse to put anything to my lips that does not come in a bottle that I have seen opened. So if I do end up doing anything this weekend, I just hope that what ever place I end up at serves orange juice.

Here's a some pictures of the friendly crowd at Barnies. Oh, and the outside of Jax.

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