Friday, November 23, 2012

Elands Bay

So when I let Paternoster; filled with optimism and the random goodwill of others, I was a bit disappointed when the sky went from a crisp pool-blue to a kind of disappointed feather-grey. Worst of all, once I had circumvented the bay, climbed up a mountain in dress pants to get a good picture, and headed up the mountain pass away from Elands Bay, the clouds decided to take a momentary leave of absence. I would just like to say thank you nature for being a bit of prick. I mean I understand hurricanes, tsunami's, earth quakes and volcanoes. They have great special effects, wonderful marketing and powerful titles. However, people underestimate the life-destroying consequences of A Little Bit of Unfortunately-Timed Overcast Sky, now do they. Do you see how devastating it is, I can't even complain about it without sounding like a prat.

Oh well, back the story, let me tell you all about Elands Bay whilst trying to be a little bit funny, and entertaining enough to make you think I know what I am doing. This town feels untouched the raving need to build hotels and guest houses on any piece of beach that connects to major road. Which is weird because that is what the place is mostly; a very long strip of very pretty beach. It is 200 km out of Cape Town, which I found hard to believe. I know it did not take me that long to drive there, but I did put a few days into it. It was astonishing to me how much variety and natural splendour can be packed into such a small area. Perhaps the Garden Route really has been that long ago for me.

Once you arrive there are many things the website says you can do there, such as rowing, sailing, surfing, rock climbing, mountain-biking, bird watching, whale watching and fishing. Sadly I am rather adverse to getting wet, I don't really fish (oh I gave it a try but I just hate touching the things), so I took photographs instead.

Weirdly I found some of my favourite graffiti there. Not for the amazingly complex artistic talent it showcases, but for the reason I use for any kind of art, because I like it. To be fair, making me laugh did count in its favour.

The higher and higher I got up the coast, the more the grandeur of commerce felt like it was slipping away into a surrender to the grandeur of nature; where beaches are not beautiful from hotel windows, nor the mountains in need of illumination throughout the night. I am sure every one knows about the place, and of course there are very nice places you can stay and enjoy a high level of comfort; but it still surprised me. It almost made me feel like I had been living in the Soap Opera South Africa up until then, with its cosmopolitan expectations. If your not making thirty grand a year you're nobody. BMW is the only acceptable car to drive. To which country are you going to escape this terrible winter. Of course I am secretly shallow; if the woman does not look good on my arm then how can I expect to be respected, let alone be happy. These are the gross kinds of inaccuracies that get peddled blindly amongst the few who can afford to entertain them. Alas they would be trite and pathetic in almost all of South Africa, were the very few think they are the real face of the many.

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