Sunday, December 16, 2012

Where have I been?

Well now. I know it has been a few weeks since I have added some thing to the blog, and I am sure that many of you may think that i have absconded from further writing. I thought I should glide down from the rafters and dismiss any such notions. I got back In Port Elizabeth on the 8th of December, and since then I have been busy trying to get next year in focus. This includes, but is not limited to, following up on bursary applications, investigating student loan options, working out a bud jet for next year, planning which school i will be providing my slave labour to, and climatizing to the home I left so many months ago.

Even though I am far from finished, and a a frightful amount of labour still lies before my weary eyes, i at least have enough time to attend to all the untold stories that I have racked up. Trust me, there are some really good ones. In fact some of my favourite places are still to be shared with you. Now that the flimsy 4th wall has been exposed for the farce that it is, let me address you directly.

I would like to start off by thanking you. For those of you that have read my ramblings, and endured my shoddy attempt at taking arty pictures of pretty things, it has been a great comfort knowing that you were on the other end of the country/world and sharing these moments with me. many times i would be on the road alone, thinking to myself "if only some one was here with me this would be so much more exiting". Then I remembered that you were with me, even if there was a considerable time delay.

Now that I have some time on my hands I will be regaling you all with more stories. When all the stories have been told and the trip seems to be at its eventual end, fret not. I have read so many comic books that I struggle to kill of characters. I mean how long did Batman and captain America stay dead. So instead of passing the hat for a tasteful tombstone, i will keep this site open. Life is a journey, one in which many amazing things are bound to happen, especially if you go out looking for it. even though what I may have intended for this journey has been left hitch-hiking alone the N2, the journey never really ends.

Chat soon, and have a great holiday.

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