Saturday, November 3, 2012

Die Damhuise

Sit down children, Uncle Jai is going to to tell you a story. Yes Jessica, it is an educational story but you don't need to take notes. No Timmy, there are no dinosaurs in this one, but later I will tell you a story about African Bears and Elephants with four tusks; so sit still and don't fidget.

On the beach at Melkbosstrand is a restaurant called Die Damhuis. It is a very old building. Does any one want to guess how old it is? No Timmy, it is not a million years old -- and what did I tell you about fidgeting. No Matthew  it more than a hundred years old. It was build in the late 1700's. Back then it was just a shed for a farm. The walls were very thick because in those days they were built out of local stones and plastered with a mixture of cow manure, sand and hay. Yes Timmy, the walls have poo in them, and before you ask, they don't stink. I know a cow has four stomachs Jessica, the whole class knows. We covered that last week when we went to the slaughter house. Now can I please continue without any more interruptions, or must I call the gimp?


Back in the day it was used to store fishing boats, nets and dry fish. Johnny, stop picking your nose. Water from a fountain that still flows today, formed a dam by the shed. That is how the place got its name. Now tourists can go there, eat, drink, enjoy the sea view and marvel at how the building withstood hundreds of years of development.

That's all for today's history lesson, you can now go outside and play. Remember, only one clip of ammo per person.

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