Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Now, I have already gone into the general appeal of Paternoster, but let me tell you about the one place that really made this little fishing village a great memory for me. Seekombuis  is right by the entrance for Tietiesbaai. If they ask you to pay at the boom, just tell them you are going to the restaurant and they will let you in for free. 

It is an open-area restaurant on the beach; the smell of the ocean mixes with the smell of freshly-baked bread, the smooth rocks stick out of the ocean like silent titans, old crayfish boats have been converted into tables. It all comes together to create an amazing atmosphere. Not only that, but the people who run the place are among the nicest people I have met along my travels. If you need some insider information on which routes to take then they will be able to help guide you in the right direction.

They have only been open for a year, but already they have got a strong local following. Perhaps you don't understand how friendly these guys are. So let me tell you about my experience there.

I stopped over for a beer, and told them about my plan to camp at Treckosskraal. They advised me on which road to take, but also told me that if I wanted to camp on the beach by the restaurant, I was more than welcome. Come now, if that is not the nicest thing ever then I don't know. Oh but wait, it gets better. So after I go and check out Treckosskraal, I come back, and decide that I would rather chill out there, chat to some people, have a few beers, and sleep on one of the most beautiful stretches of beach I have ever seen in my life. Things can't get any better than that right? Boy was I mistaken.

So at six in the evening fresh loaves of bread come out and the dinner service starts. Now, without provocation they told me that I have to taste their food, and they did not need me to pay for it. I realise that I told them was on a road trip and that I was doing reviews of places, but that was a surprising act of kindness. What was even better was the food itself. Smoked snoek pate with home-made apricot jam on bread that had only been out of the oven for five minutes. I was close to tears the food was so good

As the night died down, and we all made our way to bed, One of the ladies there gave me three beers, a big packet of chips and a chocolate milk for the rest of my trip. By that point I was so full of kindness if some one had pricked me I would have popped.

I woke up to one of the greatest views a person can hope for. I would like to thank every one at Seekombuis for making my time in Paternoster amazing.  

What I saw when I woke up

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