Thursday, September 13, 2012

Travel Buddy

I am the the type of person who enjoys things more when I get to share them with other people. This ranges from a good bottle of wine to a sunset. The road has shown me many beautiful things; from hills of sweeping majesty, to forests clad in mist. Though, after a while I started to get a bit depressed. I tended to turn to the empty passenger seat and say "Hey look at ... right there's no one there, how silly of me."

So on the way to Swellendam I turned into a petrol station in Albertinia, which also had a farm stall attached to it. When I was pursuing the the merchandise I came across a basket filled with little hand-stitched figures, some in the shape of animals. But one of them caught my attention, for in this little creatures pink button eyes I saw a friend. Admittedly the days of travel had made me a bit Schizotypal. I was actively giddy at the notion of having a travel buddy; I even got chocolate milk to help me celebrate -- not sure why though.

Love me or be damned 
My suggestion is, if you are going to go on a trip, perhaps it's not best to go at it alone. It always helps to have another person on hand who can drive as well, and if something happens to you there is always some one who can help, or flag down a car on your behalf. Falling asleep behind the wheel is also very dangerous and I know more than one person who has been seriously injured as a result of that same. Yet if you cannot find a person to ride with then get yourself a "Wilson" -- you know, from that movie with Tom Hanks. He's stuck on an island; I think his wife marries his best friend, so on and so forth. Just having something on you dashboard even to converse with. I know we can all pretend to be above such seemingly insane action, but when you are alone in a car, you are bound to do some silly, if not down right crazy things. The longer the road, the crazier the thing will be.

So here is Buddy, my very unimaginatively name Travel Buddy. It was just easier to say things like, "Hey Buddy", or "look over there Buddy", without having to insert an obligatory name.

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