Friday, September 7, 2012

Flames Restaurant

There are many fine restaurants in Mossel Bay. They clad with enough stars to give Gordan Ramsay an erection, at which he would promptly start swearing. I am certain that their food is as good as their decor suggests; alas I cannot tell you for certain, mainly because I could not afford to eat that any of them. I am glad I couldn't, other wise I would not have found Flames.

There is a lot to be said about a bar that turns off the music so that every one can watch 7nde Laan. This bar cares about its clientele, and it show in their prices. R15 for a Double Brandy and Coke, R15 for a Quart, R49 for 500g ribs, R90 for 1kg of ribs. What is most surprising of all is how amazing the food is. The bones need only be gently pulled from the meat, and anything that may stick to it can be sucked off with ease. Do not get me started on the chips. They a a beautiful marriage between wedges and chips ... chipedge.

Although good food and good prices help, they are not the hallmarks of a great pub -- what of the people? Well let me just say that I met a man with a mullet so powerful I almost went blind. I also met an American who has been living in South Africa on and off since 2002. Although his name is Bernard, every one calls him Hazzard (yes, with two 'Z's). This is not because of anything he has done; mind you. He inherited it from his father, as his father had done before him; all the way back to the days of slaves. So go and ask your dad if you are inheriting anything as cool as a name like Hazzard. I suppose if you have a big enough trust fund you can get people to call you whatever you want. He is busy building a guest house for  his wife to run when she retires and moves to South Africa permanently. The place is owned by a great white with a massive smile.

So if you are on the road, and money is tight (when is it not) and you still wish to eat like kings and drink like art students, then this is the place for you. You can find it on the road parallel to the main road, closer to the harbour side. If you struggle, ask a local. Stop here for lunch. It will add colour to your trip.

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