Friday, September 14, 2012

Hermanus At Night

I have watch the old fishing village of Hermanus grow for over a decade. From climbing the rocks between the old and new harbour, to to walking from bar to bar; this town has co-written a part of my history. As the whale-watching season in October brings tourists from all over the world to watch the Humpback and other whales with their young, the town has shaped itself to better aid the viewing of it. There are guest houses aplenty and over five bars in a three-block radius. Shopping mall after shopping mall is constructed, with land carefully laid out for future developments. Though out of season the heart of Hermanus, thick with people during the day, is peaceful. The architecture spans a certify, one that was in flux between aesthetic and practicality.

At night subtle colours play with the tarmac. With the only accompanying sound your footsteps, and occasionally your off-key humming, the mind has ample space to wander. These streets have never felt lonely to me. I have walked them in joys, in sadness and in regret. Even though large sections have changed so drastically, an essence of the town still remains. For all that has been added or removed; the lives that have passed through it, somehow it is still Hermanus. Maybe towns have their own spirit, or Kami. They call to you when you leave them, or even push you out if you have stayed too long. How much is a place reflected by its people -- or do the people start to reflect the place? I will have to think about that. When I have been to more places and walked their streets at night I will tell you. For now, I will simply wonder

1 comment:

  1. It's so awesome to find a post like this about the town which my practically rules at night and the bar where I worked (Jax). Thanks for making my day :)
