Tuesday, September 11, 2012


In Monument Square, Knysna, you will find the "Bloo" sign above a blue door. Why yes, it is rather unobtrusive. In fact you would not be remiss for not noticing it at first-- but you would be wrong. Behind that door lies a winding pathway, leading from nook to another, up stairs and under draped archways, each with its own charm. The complexity of colour on enhances magic of unfolding spaces. If you want privacy, or a space to interact, there you will find both.

This is a restro-bar with great atmosphere. Sadly they were closed for restoration when I when popped in last, but I was told from more than one source that the food there is fantastic. Many people who have gone there had a great time. It is the type of place you can go out, have a great time, enjoy wonderful food, even let you hair down to the ground, without having to elbow through teenagers to get to the bar. The décor makes you feel like you have walked into a wonderland, or a favourable acid trip. Even if you just want an interesting place to sit down with a book, this is the kind of venue where you can find a comfortable space to do just that.

The place is owned by a well-travelled and interesting couple. They have many tales to tell, and will tell them with a smile. What I found most intriguing was the theatre that they have opened at the venue. They tell me that they will provide it free of charge to any one who wished to use it. Having spent some time among the dramatically inclined, I found this very exiting. Art needs but a space. So if you want to have exhibition, there is a space. If you are a comedian, a musician, an actor, or playwright, at least now you need not worry about finding a space in which to share your discipline. Were I any of the aforementioned I would jump at the opportunity. So for any of you who may be passing through and have something to show the world, now you don't have an excuse to not share it.

I think that what they are is not only admirable but needed. Too much does not get shared because of a lack of space, or opportunity or the choking tape of politics. To open your doors and say, "Here, show us all what you do", is an important step to nurturing the arts. From this, and the aesthetic of the place, I say we should all do our part to support these guys. Let us not sit ideally by and let this endeavour flicker and die. My heart would sink to the gutter if I were to drive past in the near future and find the space vacant. So I hope to see you guys there, hopefully on stage.

So if want to put on a show, use the space or even book the venue for a function, here is their number
Tel: 082 923 1185

I just had to show you bathroom. It is fantastically novel. I had taken a lot more photos, but unfortunately they were lost in a freak formatting accident

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