Monday, October 15, 2012

The Weekend

And I'm back. Thought you'd rid of me that easily; I say nay.

Well; a quick update on the car: She will be all fixed up and raring to go by tomorrow, so that bodes well for the remainder of my journey. Aside from the body work I had to fix, I also had to get a new steering rack, reset the wheel alignment, have the right front strut straightened and the the stripped mounting re-tapped. If that had not been done I doubt I would have gotten as far as Cape Town before the car fell apart. I would like to that the guys at Hermanus Suspension & Wheel Alignment Centre (028 313 0689) and Mavericks Panel Beating Centre (028 313 2112) for their excellent work.

My weekend started off at a pace, then fizzled down into mild atrophy. Would you like to hear what happened, boys and girls? I can't hear you. I said, would you like to hear what happened .... That's better.

The night started of quietly, with me sitting at Jax, writing feverishly; trying to understand the intricacies of a social phenomenon: the "Lady Herd" -- or, as they are casually know by the observer, as "those chicks sitting over there ordering shooters". They graze from one bar to the next ordering unnecessarily complex drinks and suggestively-named shots. At a disquieting pace they chase a vulnerable state of being, though I understand the benefits of doing so in a group. It ensures that if something happened to one of their party -- such as unwanted male attention -- or the drink gets too much, then at least there is someone they trust to take care of them. Also, it ensures that no mater where the party may be "at", they will have someone to "jam" with, and ensure a positive "vibe". See that, I am starting to pick up their colloquialisms. Soon I will be able to live among them as one of their own. What I was pondering, though; was what the measure of a good night for these groups could be. I had many theories that I had worked on over the many years of me staring at these groups from far-off vantage points, averting their gaze if ever our eyes were to meet. After consulting with a newly-found source on the matter (congratulations on her engagement), I was informed that all my theories were correct -- but also wrong, because unless there was a pre-approved mission statement each person in such a group has their own social agenda, based on their concept of fun. So if it is dancing 'til your feet hurt, drinking until everyone has a twin, finding a cute boy whose name you would try really hard to remember the next morning; or just seeing your friends again, the reason lies with the individual rather than the group. The one thing that the group does share is that they like being in each others company; most of the time at least.

I also met a girl with what I consider the coolest name ever: Isaure. Come on guys; I know right. Who of you are not naming your next daughter that. Her name reflected her own aesthetic. Plus she was a cool person. We both knew enough French to tell each other that we could not speak French. At least that's what I think she was telling me.

The rest of the night was the result of being dragged from one bar to the next by a very excitable girl with red stockings and a Jack Skellington shirt. I suppose the fact that I could quote almost every song from The Nightmare Before Christmas helped gain her favour. This even included a pass through the high-rise meat-market called Shimmies. Oh how I do try to avoid the place. Yet when they started to play "Gangnam Style" and Skrillex, I will admit that my opinion was not as cast in stone as it had been the night before. I will additionally concede that she did take an average night and make it an adventure, consisting of lost friends and switched cell phones. I tried to understand the finer details, but before I could find some one who could explain it to me, I felt someone pulling at my arm naming a new destination with gusto.

After the girl's boyfriend picked her up, I casually walked down the street, enjoying the salty breeze that passes over the Old Harbour and added a crispness to the air in Hermanus' CBD. I decide to wind the night down at Barnies, where I saw people I had met during the night. I even met some amazingly good-looking women, with strong and confident personalities. Some of them even wrote in my journal. What can I say; I wrote a lot that night. As I was walking home, one of the ladies I had met at Barnies pulled over and offered me a lift back to Church Street. Who was I to decline? No no no no. She dropped me off and took the rest of her friends home ... Come on guys, really; get your heads out of the gutter. Wait, you weren't thinking that... Man don't I feel silly right about now.

Saturday: A friend of mine woke me up to enjoy the beautiful day. I am glad she did. So we walked on the rocks, I took some photographs. We spoke, joked and I can't think of an appropriate verb to rhyme with that statement.

At Bojangles we met a very sexy man in a wig and dress. Hey, its his fault for telling his friends that he was getting married. You know what is bound to happen next: It's sexy dresses with your hands tied to a glass and a group of guys chanting variations of "finish that drink right now or we all think you are silly."
Why, of course I took photos.
After that I met the new man in Isaure's life and then went home to climb into Marvel's Civil War -- which I finished last night. Lets just say I had interesting dreams.

All in all a good weekend.

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