Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My New Camera

Greetings to you all.

I have had some complaints on the quality of my photographs. Although I completely understand, sadly I have been bound by poor technology. My tablet is is a Vodafone which does not have the epic picture quality of the iPad (which I am not a big fan of), or the Samsung range. Now my father has given me his old SLR. It was my birthday on Monday so getting it does not grate my guilt. Its a Pentax K100 D super, with a Pentax AF-540FGZ flash and a custom dampener.

So to say I am a little bit excited is putting it lightly. I am busy preparing for the next leg of my journey, which will take me up the West Coast and down the R62, through some of the prettiest places in our country. Now that I have the means to take amazing images I hope to share them with you. Originally I intended this to be a purely linguistic expression of a journey, but you guys have been asking so nicely for images. So I suppose this will also become a visual journal.

I hope you guys enjoy the future of great images. Okay, not all the new ones will be great, as I still have some bad ones from the past few days. So thank you dad, and if anyone has some constructive criticisms of my pictures, I welcome them.

Thanks to all those who have followed my journey thus far and I am looking forward to sharing the next leg of the journey. Sorry again about the hiatus, but this is called "surviving" a road trip.
My new baby. Yay!

And his friend.

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