Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Car Crash

For all of those how have been following my journey I would like to apologise for a long silence. I had a car accident. Don't worry, I am fine; no serious injuries were sustained, and no one else was involved. The car should be fixed by next week, and the journey is not over. I would just like to thank my father for all his assistance in this matter.

In the meantime I will be going through all my notes and filling you in on all the amazing things I have seen but just have not had the time to tell you about.  I hope you enjoy reading them.

What, you want something funny and entertaining?

Come on guys I am giving you some sad news. I mean it's going to cost a couple grand to fix my dear sweet car; and you want jokes and humorous anecdotes? Well, okay. The car ended up on its side, so perhaps the image of me crawling out of the passenger side door as it stood facing the sky, will amuse you. *Sigh*, I suppose that was a bit uncalled-for. Its just that the last few days have been a bit tough. Of course the notion of hanging up the towel crossed my mind. Sure, the road can get lonely. When unspeakable beauty fills your eyes, the desire to turn to the passenger seat and say "Will you look at that; ain't it cool", becomes intense. Though the chances to see these things are not constant. Besides, I have you guys to share it with. Then I remember, I am not really alone; you are with me. In my heart; my mind, my desire to share wonders and experiences to those who would honour me by reading it.

This trip started out being about me, and my discovery of whatever seeps from the tarmac. Though I must admit, you are the fuel that drives me to continue. That may seem a bit sad. Perhaps it is. It does not bother me though. That is who I am. When you leave the world that told you what it thought you are, you must be willing to consider the person you find along the way. Not the person who sits next to you, but the person that sits inside you.

Wait, I sense that I may have veered somewhat off topic. Just a bit. Anyway, had an accident, sorry about the silence, will be back to posting tomorrow.


  1. Tell me? Was it Saturday "Night" that this happened?
    Good to hear you are alright.

    Keep spreading your journey....

    1. It was, well, it was more Sunday morning by that time.

  2. Why is it whenever you have an accident you never provide any detail? Surely the spirited re-telling of the tragic event is its only silver lining? - Raoul

    1. The story is still unfolding, when it is all wrapped up then i will give a very detailed account of all the elements.

  3. Yeeks dude, glad you came out ok!

    1. So am I. I did hit my nose a bit hard, which hurt for a while, but nothing broken and nothing bled.

      Thank you for the concern

  4. pics or it did't happen

    1. I will provide pictures when I release the full story.

  5. Well, running into accidents can be somehow normal for a road-tripper like you, but as long as you drive safely and be more disciplined, meeting such accidents would be less frequent or even close to none. And since handling road accidents is sometimes unavoidable for road-trippers, seeking assistance of an accident lawyer is sometimes needed, so that claiming compensation for hospitalization and repairs will be more convenient.

    1. I cannot agree more. I am following up regarding liabilities, and will provide all my readers with a more detailed explanation of what happened, but seeing as the story is still unfolding i thought it would be better to wait till everything conclude fore I start telling you all what has happened.

      Especially when you are in a new town, or if there are road works, take it slowly. Most important, and I admit I tend to forget this, pay attention. when driving try to eliminate as many distractions as you can. Music on the open road is fine, but in town, put it soft, or off completely.

      Any way, I hope that any one embarking on their own travels in the coming holidays has a great trip, devoid of any accidents

  6. I’m amazed that your spirit is still up despite the accident. But I think you are quite ready for a new road adventure. Travelers and road trippers like you are no strangers to accidents. You and your car are usually exposed to these unfortunate events. But it’s good to know that you decided to take action regarding the incident. This will help you clear the air and resolve some issues on the accident. Well, have a safe journey and keep us posted!
